Yesterday I went in for my level 2 ultrasound. The technician took about 20-30 minutes using this high powered ultrasound to take measurements of the baby as well and to count toes & fingers (yep, they are all there! She also checked the organs to see their development and little baby Smith gets a thumbs up.
The technician printed numerous photos for us and even was able to do a 3D scan of our baby's face. It's incredible what technology can do these days.
Jay and I couldn't wait to find out the sex of the baby and yesterday was definitely a surprise. With 99.9% accuracy, we are having a little baby boy! I knew it. We had an entire list full of girl names and I kept saying that even though I'd like to have a little girl, I just knew we were having a boy and I couldn't be happier!! Now the hard part, names!! Because our last name is so common, Jay and I are on the hunt for a unique boy name. Feel free to send in your suggestions!!
On a serious note, we decided to have an amniocentesis done as well. This is where a very small needle is inserted into the abdomen, though the placenta and into the uterus to get a sample of the amniotic fluid. I felt a small pinch when the needle was inserted (I closed my eyes of course, but Jay watched). The doctor pulled out just enough fluid so that they can grow the cells that are sloughed off from the baby to check the chromosomal count. The fluid is sent off to a lab where they will grow the cells and check to make sure that Baby Smith has 23 pairs of chromosomes and that they all look healthy. We should get the results back within a week to 10 days. This test will also confirm the baby's sex, like we couldn't see his umm, wee, wee (is that appropriate???) on the monitor!!
The doctor said for me to take today off from work today to relax and take it easy. So, no desk job nor coaching for me today. I slept in til 8:30am (can't remember when I did that!) and have been in my pj's all day (seriously, really can't remember when I did that last). I've worked on emails, getting volunteers for this year's Sea Otter Classic (if you'd like to volunteer this year at the VIP Hospitality Tent, the BEST volunteer job around, please email me. You will receive free entry into the event, a t-shirt & either catered breakfast and/or lunch depending on how many shifts you me, the food alone is worth it. Plus you get to meet some of the VIP's in the cycling world). Anyway, back to what I'm doing today, I will be working on my thesis here too. Oh, and I watched 2 movies while doing our taxes.
Once I scan the photos I'll put a few up so you can see our beautiful baby boy. I am at 18 weeks and 4 days. About half way through, which I can't believe! It's going very quickly.